• A white paint bucket labeled Super Glamour Coating featuring art on the surface, including blue and white floral-themed paintings above a dark blue sofa. The bucket has a handle and is manufactured by a brand with a crest-like logo. Its Calld GLAMOUR COATING 20LT

    Glamour Coating 20LT – Cover 4 Square Meter

    • Product: Glamour Coating
    • Coverage: Each 20 liter container covers approximately 4 square meters
    • Application: Brush, roller, or spray
    • Colour: (White, Black And Green) (White,Black And Red) (White, Black, Green And Gold) (White, Black And Silver)
    • Drying Time: 4 Hours
    • Surface Compatibility: Plaster, drywall, concrete, wood
    • Finish: Glamorous
    • Usage: Interior walls
    • Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight

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